black, white & burgundy.

This fall has been all about cozy sweaters, comfy pants and a bold lip. I’m usually pretty good with the first two {sweaters are totally my jam}, but the last one is where I find myself on struggle mountain. Luckily for me, the much more talented ladies at Goldplaited made me look good! I haven’t had a makeover since….well, ever – so it was nice to give my neglected hair and lips a little love. 
In other news, I’ve been a little obsessed with resale shopping recently. There’s a Crossroads Exchange a few blocks away from my apartment {danger, Will Robinson} and I find myself there every Saturday morning whether I mean to or not.  I recently acquired this sweater Brian has dubbed my “Olivia Pope” sweater  and my first pair of Joe’s Jeans {I see why ya’ll are obsessed}. Needless to say, I’ll be back there this weekend like clockwork, elbowing people for the best deal on J.Crew outerwear, or whatever other beauties I stumble across. xx

14 thoughts on “black, white & burgundy.

  1. Alyssa

    Girl, everyone needs an Olivia Pope sweater! Also, you look stunning–that lip color definitely suits you! Not to be stalkerish, but is this your apartment building? Because I'm super jealous if it is–reminds me of something out of Gossip Girl. xoxo

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