pretty pretty dreams.

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Happy Monday friends! I’m especially happy this Monday because I’m taking the day off to venture around Chicago with Brian and my mother to hunt for condos! After living in an itty bitty teeny tiny starter apartment, I’m excited at the possibility of finding a bigger place we can call home {and feels like home too}. Plus, the chance to redecorate makes me ridiculously excited, especially with such gorgeous inspiration.  
Who knows what we’ll find, but the search in and of itself is exciting. Since we’ve never bought a place before {or been part of the process}, do you have any tips? We’re a little clueless, so any advice would be much appreciated! I’ll try and snap a few pics of our favorite spots here.
Oh, p.s: Have you heard of that little thing called Pinterest? I had been on hiatus for awhile, but I’m back and pinning up a storm. Let’s be pinteresting friends, shall we? xx

11 thoughts on “pretty pretty dreams.

  1. Alissa

    I am dying to redo this apartment and have been pining up an apartment decor storm. I am glad to know I am not alone in this whole decorating thing.

  2. Alyssa

    Good luck in your hunt, Maya! I've only ever done rental apartment hunting, which is stressful enough, so I can't even imagine how stressful looking for something to buy may be. Can't wait to see what you find!

  3. Anonymous

    OK – we are addicted to and which has fantastic sales. last year we bought two wishbone chairs on sale for $200 each – normally $600 each! – check it out if you haven't already. I am a Danish Modern hound –

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