charming children {and what they can teach us about style}

Ahhhhhh man, kids are the cutest. I’ve definitely become that crazy woman on the street who points at cute kids while exclaiming, “EEEEEEEE!!!!” or, “SO LITTLE!!!!”, or nothing at all because I can’t put together a coherent sentence {and no, I’m not proud}. Brian is slightly mortified by this new development, so I’m working on being slightly less overt with my little kid obsession. 
So in the meantime, let’s bask together in the glory of little girls and see what they can teach us about fashion – because, let’s face it – they’re way more fashionable than me! 
Vintage Glam is always a good idea – Whether it’s a scarf tied over your hair, a classic black dress with pearls, or a fabulous vintage find…old school is usually a safe bet. 
Put a bow on it – I’m obviously a little obsessed with bows {see this post and the 145,540 before it}, so adding a bow doesn’t ever seem to be a bad idea. This girl clearly rocks the bow, and I may take some tips from her in the future. 
Accessorize – And go BOLD. Adding a little bling, flowers, sparkle to anything is always a good idea. I know you can overdo it, but most of the time it’s a pretty kick ass addition, so my general advice is go for it {and I think this little lady would totally agree}.
Dress up – Whether it’s Halloween, an interview, or a night on the town – dress it up! It’s like they say, better to be overdressed or over educated” or “overdressed than under dressed”…or something along those lines. Either way, you probably won’t regret it 😉
Tulle is a good idea – or should I say, tulle is always a good idea. When winter strikes, I am longing for a perfect tulle skirt for the holidays paired with sparkles and metallics {please tell me I’m not the only one?}. This little girls rocks the tulle, and does a pretty good Audrey Hepburn impersonation. 
Friends are always the best accessory – I mean, how cute are these two? Best friendship at it’s finest. 

9 thoughts on “charming children {and what they can teach us about style}

  1. Alyssa

    I'm ALWAYS pinning stylish little kiddies on Pinterest. Half the time I feel like a creep, but I really don't care. They're adorable, and I like their outfits. THE END.

  2. Megan Stylish + Scatterbrained

    I love this! Isn't it crazy nowadays how fashionable kids are?! I know that trends were different back when we were kids, but it seems like there was a big difference between what kids, teens and adults wore. Now, I am constantly seeing kids wearing outfits that I envy and they're just so gosh darn cute!

  3. Jen

    These girls are the cutest! I'm getting to be the same way now that I have four nephews! And if I see little girls I'm drawn to them because clearly my family lacks the girl gene so I have to get my fix elsewhere lol!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

  4. Brenna McCarthy

    Wait, but I'm the same way. Puppies and babies, I just start squeeeeeeeeeing and reaching toward them. In my defense, I got it from my mother. We were on the phone the other day and she abruptly hung up…….to take a picture of a random baby she saw on the street and share it with me. #problems

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