just add a bow.

Dear weather gods, Not sure if you’re listening, or sleeping, or just a little drunk this fall…but seriously, what is up with this weather? I wake up and it’s 60 degrees, and I come home and it’s 75. Give it to us straight, are we supposed to wear chunky sweaters or flip flops? 
Clearly I’ve given up. Look at this outfit post for example, a blazer paired with peep toe heels. Not exactly your typical mid October uniform, right? I guess I shouldn’t really be complaining, but I do feel a little jipped for fall. Not to mention, my sweaters are becoming envious of my summer tank tops & tees – fall’s supposed to be their time to really shine. 
blouse: Anthro (old) / Blazer: J.Crew / Jeans: Banana Republic
What’s become your unexpected fall uniform this year? Hopefully you’re finding ways to enjoy the warmer weather {and more gracefully pairing your summer and fall clothes than I!} 

12 thoughts on “just add a bow.

  1. Alyssa

    You may be weather confused (hey, we all are!), but this is ADORABLE. I'm a sucker for any top with a bow around the neck, so this pretty much needs to come live with me ASAP.

  2. Jen

    You look so cute! I love this look on you and red is definitely a color that you look stunning in! I've been eyeing a black blazer from J.Crew that's very similar to yours…it might just be another fall must-have! The weather here has been a little all over the place too…one second it's sunny, the next it's pouring rain, I wish it would just stick to one – and I'd prefer if that was sun lol! Hope you have a great anniversary dinner tonight!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

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