lincoln park lovin’

top {similar} // skinny jeans {similar options} // bag {similar options} // shoes {old} // photos
Things that genuinely scare me: gratuitously gory movies, short dresses + windy days, and summer crop tops. The first two are no-brainers, but the last might surprise my friends and family. While I’ve been very fortunate to be naturally on the skinny side, I haven’t worked out in…awhile. When most people hear “awhile”, they usually think a month or so, but I’m in the “well over a year” category at this point. Don’t get me wrong, every great once in awhile I’ll bike a mile, but that’s pretty much the extent of it. Finding time to work out while balancing work, blogging, life and everything in between is tough, so working out is unfortunately the last thing on my mind. This summer I’m determined to get back into the swing of things {or at least get back into yoga classes!}, so I’m hoping I can rock more crop tops in the future…and maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to get back into that bikini again! 
But hey, life’s all about progress – so at least I’m getting into the mentally preparing for the journey, right? I’m extra inspired by so many amazing fitness bloggers, like the amazing Jess, Allie & Gabby – so hopefully I’ll get my butt in gear – literally. 
Any summer fitness goals you’re getting ready to crush this summer? Fill me in! xx 


17 thoughts on “lincoln park lovin’

  1. Jessica

    You just made my day ๐Ÿ™‚ It is so hard trying to balance it all, but if anyone can do it, it's you!

    p/s you're totally killin' it in that crop top

  2. Maria

    Love these photos–you look so pretty! And here's to an active summer, whatever that entails. (Walking to ice cream shops is active, right?)

  3. Rachel

    Oh my gosh I don't even know how to comprehend what it would be like to not work out for over a year! I work out usually twice a day! My goal for the summer is to run a local 4.2 mile fun run in less than 30 min!! Ahh wish me luck!

  4. Katie Adams

    I'm training for my first trail half marathon! The race I've chosen is HILLY, so I'm basically training hard of our sheer fear. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Alison Dulaney

    Love this Maya, the lace is so pretty. I also fear wind and skirts/dresses in general, not a good combo. Love that is warmer and longer days means running outside!

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