desked to impress.

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Guys, I. AM. SO. EXCITED. For the longest time, all I’ve dreamed of was my very own desk {a pretty pretty white one to be exact}. Unfortunately, my dreams were squandered by the fact that I lived in itty bitty apartments, or dorm rooms, or fraternities {yeah, we’ll save that story for another day} – but now with our new condo I finally have the room for my own workspace. I’ve been finding inspiration all over the interwebz, and I especially love these two pretty setups – heart decals for all!

After much contemplation, I finally settled on this stunner from PB Teen {cheaper than regular PB, so I’m game.} I am busting with excitement to get this baby in the mail next week & decorate it with all my favorite pretty things. Here are a few of my favorite picks to make your desk even more stylish: 


9 thoughts on “desked to impress.

  1. Alyssa

    Love love love the desk you chose…I have a very similar one! I don't use it as much as I should (aka I still blog from the couch) but it was a great addition to our living room!

  2. Rachel Lynne

    These are some great desk inspirations! I can't wait to have my own desk someday! I might have more of a vanity desk though if that makes sense LOL. A place I can blog and make YouTube videos 🙂 But anyway, the desk you got is GORGEOUS! And I guess like Rachel said above I share a desk right now with my boyfriend, but it is technically his…. because he works from home and needs a desk space and it is very plain. I at least got him some monogram coasters 😉

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