currently, v.4 – emily of isn’t that charming

Life works in mysterious ways – and usually in the best ways too. The lovely Emily of Isn’t that Charming and I became buds after we started our blogs at the same time with very similar names {we both agree that charming things are best}.  Fast forward a year and we’re co-workers who not only get to do what we love, BUT we get to chat all things blogging in between. Color me a happy & very lucky girl! 
I love Emily’s hippie-chic style, creative DIY’s and vintage favorites she shares on the daily. Plus, she’s one funny lady and her posts are always adroable witty. Check out her blog if you’re not already a daily reader! 
Loving: Chilly October nights, curled up with a blanket, and relaxing at home. It’s the perfect season to slow down a little bit. 
Munching: Donuts that I picked up from my favorite Michigan cider mill last weekend. I. Can’t. Stop. Nom Nom Nom.
Coveting: Black leather look-alike leggings. I found the most perfect “Vegan leather” pair from Piperlime ( that I’m thinking of making my newest wardrobe addition. 
 In my makeup bag: Red lipstick. Putting a little on always completes a look, no matter what outfit or occasion. 
Stalking: Anthropologie’s entire Home collection. They have the most unique decor details!
Dreaming of: Italy.
On Heavy Rotation: Toms shoes. Always Toms shoes. They’re so comfortable!
Working on: A new blog design! I recently hit my “one year anniversary” milestone & want to spruce up my look.

Drinking: Wine. Duh. 

Wearing: Mixed patterns. It’s a fun, playful and easy way to make a style statement. 

9 thoughts on “currently, v.4 – emily of isn’t that charming

  1. Alyssa

    I love Emily–and I'm so jealous you two get to work together (side note: um, come play with me in NYC?). I can't wait to see her new blog design!

  2. Kelsey

    I will have to go check out Emily's blog, it sounds right up my alley. I visited the little Italian town in your picture last summer, it is wonderful and a great place to dream about!

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