It's Time….

I am very excited to be packing my bags and jetsetting off to Paris for a week and a half with my father! Besides the fact that I love to spend time with him, I’ll be in freaking Paris! Not too shabby, right?
I can’t wait to post about my adventues and share photos soon! Let me know all your Parisian secrets for my trip if you’ve been before πŸ™‚

15 thoughts on “It's Time….

  1. Meagan May

    I was just discussing with my husband where we want to go on vacation and Paris was at the top of the list! Jealous πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great trip! Of course I don't have a secret, I've never been there, but if I did go I would splurge on something fabulous!

    Gloss and Threads

  2. Alyssa

    Stop that right now. I'm SO EXCITED for you! I hope you have the most amazing time–Paris is incredible and I'm dying to go back. I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  3. Rachel Lynne

    SO EXCITING! Have the most amazing time!!!!!!! I can't wait to see your pictures and hear about Paris! It is making me want to fly back there right now!

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