pretty sparkly things {and a giveaway!}

Just like any girl, I love pretty, sparkly, shiny goodies – especially when they come in jewelry form. Maybe that makes me an adult magpie, but I think sparkly is always best. So when the the lovely Sarah and Angie reached out to tell me about their company Accessory Mercado, I was immediately obsessed. Accessory Mercado offers a wide range of gorgeous {and affordable!} jewelry that rivals J.Crew & Bauble Bars pretty pieces.  Plus, these ladies are from Chicago and started the company only a few months ago – so I’m instantly their #1 fan. 
I grabbed coffee with them a few weeks back and we chatted about their entrepreneurial adventures since starting the company. Both Angie and Sarah work in the Chicago public school and decided they wanted to have a fun side project that was more creative and aligned with their love of affordable fashion. So they made some calls, got on social media and started their company officially in June. What’s great about Accessory Mercado is that you can buy their pieces during their Facebook flash sales on Sunday’s and Wednesdays, and they are super affordable {and of course, always on trend}. Besides loving their jewelry, I’m amazed by their story and success so far {just look at their Instagram and Facebook page, your mind will be blown}. Talk about some inspiring female entrepreneurs! Plus, they are a hilarious and bubbly duo – which is always major points in my book!
Extra extra  good news? Accessory Mercado graciously offered up this pretty neon piece for one lucky reader. You know the drill, enter below and I’ll pick the winner next week.While you’re “ooohing” and “aaaahing”, make sure to check them and their beautiful pieces out – I promise you’ll fall in love like I did. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


25 thoughts on “pretty sparkly things {and a giveaway!}

  1. Alison Dulaney

    Your hair looks amazing! I love it, you are giving me the guts to cut bangs! This is a great giveaway and thank you so much for commenting on the layout of my last post, I would love to take a design class but I recently have been winging it, so it makes me feel good that you liked it:)

  2. A Mercado

    Thank you Maya! We LOVED our coffee date and cannot wait to share another cup of chai with you:) You are too kind!
    Sarah and Angie,
    accessory mercado

  3. Carolyn Schultz

    This post has me hooked on AM – shopped their flash sale last night for the first time and I bought two things – and would have bought more were I not so poor. Love it! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

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