Happy Monday, friends! I don’t quite know where the weekend went, but as usual it seemed to speed by even faster than most. Maybe it’s because it’s finally nice here in Chicago, but the last few days were mostly a blur {be it a fun blur, but still!}
This weekend was the perfect mix of productivity and catching up with friends – which is a balance I rarely accomplish on the weekends! I grabbed drinks on Cindy’s Rooftop with blogger friends Katie, Sarah and Kaylee {who was in town for the weekend, yay!}, grabbed dinner with my friend Evalyn at Fat Rice for dinner, celebrated birthdays at Park and Field {a new favorite summer spot in Chicago}, and had Kira and Kelly over for dinner with their husbands, and of course – sweet Emma. We spent Sunday checking our Renegade Craft Fair, and then I spent the afternoon checking off my massive to-do list before cooking dinner with Tom. It was one of those amazing weekends where I wished every weekend could be that good. I’m already looking forward to Memorial Day to get one extra day of the weekend soon 🙂
In other news, there’s one thing that I didn’t quite get to on my to-do list, which was getting my hair dyed and highlighted this weekend. I know most gals love to get their hair done, but for some reason it’s always at the bottom of my to-do list, mostly because it takes up much more time than I’d like it to. Between blogging, work and having a social life, sitting down for a 2 hour hair appointment is really not something I love to do, so I usually avoid it at all costs until my “lazy ombre” look is out of style and my gray hairs start being noticeable again. And yes, I’m 28 and have gray hairs…thankfully the blonde covers them up, but when they peek through I know it’s time for an appointment.
When I recently discovered that there were products out there that could put off getting a hair color appointment even more {or at least save me between the time I booked an appointment and actually got my hair done}, I knew I needed them STAT. So when I discovered TRUHAIR by Chelsea Scott {a renowned hair care specialist for over 20 years}, I was completely hooked on their game-changing hair products. Here’s a breakdown of my 3 new favorite hair products:
Color and Lift Root Powder: For those days where you’re roots are rocking that “Lazy ombre” look {aka, about 3 weeks overdue for a color}, TRUHAIR’s Color and Lift powder is perfect to temporarily cover up roots or grey hairs. I’ve been using it in the morning on grow-out areas, and it does an amazing job masking darker hair, while also blending in perfectly with my highlights. On days where I’m out an about, I just keep it in my purse and dab on the go!
A few years ago when I had really bad alopecia, I would have loved to have this product on hand too! If you’ve ever struggled with loosing hair, this product is great for helping to cover up spots or make your hair look thicker than it really is. Since the powder is formulated with Vitamin E and Mica, it instantly gives you the appearance of fuller, thicker hair – bonus!
Volcanic Volume Paste: Since I always have had thin hair {even before it feel out a few years ago!} I’m always looking for the magical potion that’s going to make my hair feel and look even thicker. TRUHAIR has an amazing Volcanic Volume lightweight paste formulated with Volcanic Spring Powder, Coconut Oil and Argan Oil, which adds texture, lift and moisturizes your locks to unleash their full potential. It’s also known for having Trisphere technology, which consists of three ingredient molecules that add volume, texture and cleanse hair. I’ve tried everything from moose, to spray to other lotions and potions, and honestly nothing has worked better in a pinch than TRUHAIR’s Volcanic paste. It might have a crazy name, but it makes for crazy-good results!Color Lift to Go: My favorite product of all three {although it’s tough to choose…} would have to be the Color Lift to Go Pen, which is the perfect way to touch up your roots or cover up any imperfections while you’re on the go! I keep it in my purse just in case I notice that my roots are starting to take over my head, and I’ll quickly give my hair some TLC between meetings or before a date night out. While it’s not a long term solution, it definitely does the trick in-between colors!
If you’re looking to try out TRUHAIR, it’s being sold on HSN and it’s today’s special! Today they’re offering the Color & Lift Kit {with includes a full size Color & Lift PLUS Color & Lift To Go} for a steal, and if you’re ever wanting to cover up your roots or problem areas, it’s seriously the best product. If you’re interested, check out their brand page.
Any other hair products you live by that I should try?! I’m definitely looking to get my hair in better shape this summer, so any suggestions are welcome! xx
Looking for more Charming Beauty? Check out a few favorites in the archives, like Era Organics and Vintners Daughter serum!
If I only want one of the 2 color and lifts (for the exact same reasons you mention!!!) which do you suggest? Is the powder still easy to manage even though it’s bulkier? And is the pen more for really light, smaller touch ups? This sounds so cool!!!