Margaret O’Leary Cotton Duster Sweater // Classic Grey T-Shirt
For the last 8 years or so, I’ve been coffee’s #1 fan.
I first started drinking coffee {mostly caramel lattes, let’s be real..} in college when I got in the habit of pulling all nighters and writing too many 20 page papers – #EnglishMajorStruggles. I lasted the first few years getting a caffeine kick from Diet Coke and black tea, but when you know you need to stay up ’till 3 AM to finish a paper, you need something a little more powerful to get you through.
By the time I graduated, I was BFFs with my Starbucks baristas and I was fully on the caffeinated train, starting every day with a grande latte or coffee so I didn’t feel like a zombie during that terrible transition from student life to full time work life. And from one coffee I eventually moved onto two cups of coffee {and on really bad days I sometimes went crazy with three cups of coffee}, which started to make me feel pretty awful. Fast forward to this year, and I was still on the multiple cups of coffee a day train just a few months ago. I woke up in the morning craving my non-fat caramel latte, even though the effect of coffee had long been lost on me. I would drink a cup of coffee at my desk and barely feel energized, and I didn’t even feel jittery anymore and had replaced any attempt at breakfast with an extra large cup of coffee instead. I felt sluggish, no matter how much coffee I put in my body, and getting a cup every morning was more of a ritual these days than truly having any sort of effect on me.
There were parts of the ritual I loved, taking 5 minutes away from my desk to talk to our office barista {really, Ogilvy has an office barista, how awesome is that?!}, taking that first sweet sip and carrying it like it was an extension of myself from meeting to meeting. But all the sugar and extra caffeine made me feel terrible, and while I’ve never been addicted to anything before, I really felt like I couldn’t kick the habit.
Around my birthday in February I got pretty sick, and attempted to do a better job of keeping myself hydrated than usual. I begrudgingly gave up my morning latte, instead double fisting water and black tea that I would drink a few times a day. And by the time I got better, I realized that I actually didn’t need coffee – and that I felt so much better without it when I swapped out my morning latte for black tea, milk and a little bit of sugar. So now I’m on a tea kick, and I’ve truly never felt better in the mornings. I feel more energized and less sluggish when I wake up, and I’ve traded in my coffee ritual for a much cheaper {aka free at my agency!} tea one. Whenever I feel like I want to indulge at a coffee shop, I’ve been getting tea lattes instead – and a London Fog tea {black tea + steamed milk + a few shots of vanilla} is my new favorite go-to! It’s way better than my usual latte, and I feel so much better 🙂
Are you a self-proclaimed coffee addict too? Or have you recently kicked the habit? I’d love to know what your coffee alternative go-to is!
So glad you’ve found something that works for you and that you’re feeling better. I’ve actually never liked coffee! I will sometimes get a coconut milk macchiato from Starbucks, but not very often. I’m pretty thankful that my taste buds naturally disliked caffeinated beverages (including soda) so I’m all about that water.;)
I can’t believe that you gave up coffee like that — Eddie gave it up cold turkey back in December and hasn’t had a cup since! Thats a hard habit to stop, I’m so impressed and I bet you feel soooo much better!
xo, Sarah
You’re making me want to try this. I literally have 3 espressos in the morning and a cup in the afternoon. It’s TERRIBLE, and lately I’ve been feeling so “blah” — I’m intrigued to switch to the tea game! The one thing I’ll say about black tea is make sure you’re careful because it can really mess up your stomach lining. My friend Lance switched to black tea for a while and was having 2-3 cups a day and ended up getting super sick. The culprit was whatever is in black tea (I can’t remember what it’s called) Anyway – GO YOU! I’m inspired. Lets have a tea date soon 😉
This is SO interesting! Thanks for letting me know about your friend too! I’ve only been drinking about 1 cup in the morning, but if I start to feel icky I’ll try to take tea out of my life and go completely cold turkey!
Also, let’s get together soon! I want to hear about your life/catch up! xx
Congrats to you for giving up coffee!