J.Crew Field Jacket // Joes Jeans // Madewell Purse // Booties c/o Hush Puppies // J.Crew Tee // Necklace c/o Meijer
Holy jet lag batman!
I’m back from a whirlwind trip to Lisbon eating popcorn at all hours of the night because I’m both gleefully happy to be home {10 days away from the usual can get to you sometimes, no matter how amazing a trip is!} and because I’m all sorts of screwed up in the time zone department. Here’s my public apology to my co-workers tomorrow because I might fall asleep with my eyes open…so sorry in advance.
But, my trip was awesome. I don’t know about you, but this time of year I am desperately in need of getting away. While the summer is all sorts of glorious, it was back to back events, long hours at work, saying “yes” to too many things and feeling pretty darn drained. There’s nothing like a trip across the ocean to give you some perspective – and the perfect excuse to finally catch up on life! The nights were spent writing blog posts, and the days were spent exploring and eating waaaay too much delicious food. Sounds like the perfect life, yeah? I think this should be a regular thing. In other news, I was extra lucky to have my mother who has the patience of the saint and the photo skills of a pro to document what I wore while exploring Lisbon. Not only did she put up with my whining {my little secret is that I really don’t like taking photos – ironic, huh?} but she did it all with a smile on her face – and many, many times 🙂
In the style department I kept my looks pretty casual, and focused on anything that wouldn’t get totally crushed in my suitcase. There was lots of mixing of staples, any excuse to wear my J.Crew field jacket and lots and lots of comfy shoes – see the Hush Puppies as the perfect example! Besides being freaking adorable, they also have gel insoles that make our 20,000 steps a day not so unbearable. And believe me, if you’ve ever been to Lisbon you know how crazy those cobblestone sidewalks are. I won’t say that I feel a few times totally sober, but you know…it could have happened.
Anyways, I’m planning on catching up this week on life and sharing a few sneak peeks of my Lisbon adventures! If you’ve never been, I’ll try my best to do it justice – and if you have been, you can direct me to your vacation photos so we can pretend we went together, yeah?
I should probably stop eating popcorn and go to bed now, but I’m excited to catch up with you all soon! xx
I can’t wait to hear more about your trip, pretty lady!! I’m so glad you had a great time. How I wish we could catch up face-to-face…about those big life decisions you speak of on Instagram 🙂
26 and Not Counting
You look gorgeous! And I’m so excited to hear about your trip, you had some amazing photos on Instagram 🙂 I hate taking photos too lol
Love the jacket/stripes combo, perfect for fall!
Kristina does the Internets
i love that bag! xo jillian – cornflake dreams