chicago gems: stock manufacturing

Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-1ย Shirt c/o Stock Manufacturing // Shorts // New Balance Tennis Shoes

While I’m not usually superย private on my blog {and I’m sometimes guilty of over-sharing…} I usually keep my relationships a little more hush hush. While I like to share as much as the next blogger, there are some things I like to keep private, and a little safe from my little internet world. So when Stock Manufacturing reached out to see if I’d share a few pics of my main squeeze, I was a little hesitant to be honest. Jimmy’s kindly the man behind the camera some of the time, and after keeping our relationship mostly on the DL on here, I didn’t know if it was weird to introduce him in his very own blog post! But, because he’s the champ that he is – he was more than willing to oblige, even if it meant waking up early yesterday morning for a few pictures. Clearly, this guy’s a winner – and pretty darn cute to boot, especially in his Stock Manufacturing linen shirt for fall ๐Ÿ˜‰Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-2 Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-4 I love the fact that Stock Manufacturing is a local company {what’s up Chicago?!} the company provides top quality, domestically made clothing at a price that’s actually affordable. I love that they don’t overlook the details, and that everything down to the last button is sewn to perfection. Plus the fact that they help make a positive impact on American job creation? Sign me up!Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-3Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-5 Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-6And can we take a moment to talk about how cute this guy is? The last few months have been tough ones for both of us, but Jimmy’s been a rock star through it all. Whether it’s swinging by my office at work {and yes, we work together…}, cooking dinner on days where I. Just. Can’t {read: most days after work} and always making me laugh when I want to cry. He’s a winner – and I appreciate him a lot a lot ๐Ÿ™‚ย Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-8 Stock Manufacturing - Charmingly Styled-9In other news – any fun plans this weekend? I’m excited to take some much needed time to both catch up and rest up, which I both equally need. Enjoy some time with your loved ones, and tell the main squeezes in your life that you appreciate them too. xx


3 thoughts on “chicago gems: stock manufacturing

  1. SarahLagen

    Awww, I love this so much and your main man looks ready for fall! I hope you two have a great and relaxing weekend together! ๐Ÿ™‚

    xo, Sarah

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