…and we’re back! welcome to the new charmingly styled!

Hi friends! First off, welcome to the new Charmingly Styled! It looks pretty snazzy, eh? The incredibly lovely (and patient, might I add…) Lindsay of White Oak Creative helped me make the big move to WordPress, and give my little ‘ole blog a lot of sprucing up. I can’t tell you enough how much I love the new look – it’s like that million bucks feeling of getting a new haircut, but I think this boost of confidence is going to last even longer. Clearly, I’m a fan – and I hope you are too!

The New Charmingly Styled

As the 3 year anniversary of my blog comes up in a month or so, I’ve been reflecting on my space a little bit more and dreaming up big things for this here blog. I can’t believe Charmingly Styled is almost out of the toddler zone, and there’s such a big part of me that seems like it’s both been longer and shorter than 3 years. It’s been kinda a crazy ride, and even through the blood, sweat and tears (eh, okay – maybe just tears at times…) it’s been totally worth it. I’m hoping for big things in the coming months that I can’t wait to share – so stick around, I think the ride is going to be worth it 😉


I’m hoping to get a little more personal on the blog (because you cool kids have always been so kind in that department), post a little more frequently, and continue to try to be a good, semi-stylish and hopefully funny person too. I mean, we’ll see how that goes (pray for me…) – but I’m hoping for the best.

So  stick around and stay tuned! There’s a lot of things coming your way in the coming weeks, and I’m excited to ride out into the sunset with you…or at least we can watch Netflix together and split a cheap bottle of wine? Next best thing 🙂



15 thoughts on “…and we’re back! welcome to the new charmingly styled!

  1. Nicole

    It looks amazing Maya!!!!!!! There is nothing better than a new website in my opinion. Doesn’t it make you want to blog more? Congrats – I know how much work it is. And Lindsey, you did a fabulous job as always!

  2. Samantha Peterson

    Love the new look Maya – another win for Lindsey in the design department! 🙂

  3. Lindsay Humes

    Yay! So glad I could help you out with the process! I will say you had one of the easiest transfers I’ve done to date, and so that good karma must be foreshadowing the great things ahead for you!

  4. SarahLagen

    I love your new site Maya, it looks awesome!! Can’t wait to see and hear what else is coming down the road for Charmingly Styled– I know it will be great! 🙂

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