the best way to organize your day.

When it comes to juggling a million tasks all in one day – from work, to a social life, to blogging, to more. Because I’m a busy bee,  I always need a plan to make it not so overwhelming. There’s dinners to cook {although I let that one slide pretty often…}, articles to write, photos to take and a few big social channels to run for my day job. 
So, what’s my secret for juggling it all? A few handy notepads from my sweet friend Dani over at Thyme is Honey. I first met Dani a few years ago in Madison, and I loved her creative, inspiring entrepreneurial spirit {seriously, this girl kicks bootay!} Since I’ve known her, she always had her awesome Daily Page notepad, and I just started using it last year. It’s seriously a game changer when it comes to balancing so many aspects of your life – from what you eat, drink, do and your daily goals. 
Her new “Today is Mine” pad is just as awesome as her Daily Page notebook, but smaller and a little easier to fit in your purse. The goal of the notepad is to motivate you to plan out your whole day – from fitness, meals, hydration and goals from morning to night. Needless to say, I’m ready to buy these babies in bulk!
It’s perfect for just the weekends {if you’re like me and your typical days are at the mercy of your work meeting schedule}, or for anyone who wants a daily reminder to kick ass and take names. It’s honestly helped me become more proactive and keep important things I need to get done on my radar day in and day out. 

Definitely check it out if you’re looking for ways to improve your daily organization, or better yet – enter my giveaway below, or use the code JUNE2015 for 10% off through July 1st!
Good luck 🙂 xx


6 thoughts on “the best way to organize your day.

  1. Anne

    These are PERFECT. I try to mentally break down my day kind of like this, but so much better to have it written out (free up some brain space!) on such a cute pad. Fingers crossed on the giveaway but I just went ahead and ordered myself one in the meantime 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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