don’t compare

Today’s an exciting day because THIS post right here marks my 300th post on Charmingly Styled. I can’t believe it’s only been a little over a year and a half since I started my own little corner of the Internet. It’s been awesome to think back on how it’s grown, the amazing people I’ve met, and see how my life has changed since starting it {and my design skills too, yikes…}
And even though this is my 300th post, I still feel like a beginner in some respects. Everyday I learn something new, and everyday I get a little more excited and discouraged at the same time. I’ve been known to have my fair share of blogger envy, wondering why I haven’t done more, gotten “farther” {whatever that means} & have serious FOMO on the daily {that Rewards Style conference a few weeks back, COME ON. I want to go to there…} 
The real thing I’ve learned over the last year and a half is that every day and every post is all part of the journey. There are not-so-great days and there are awesome days, just like I have some super rad posts and “really, did you just throw that together?” posts. But it’s all part of the adventure, the learning process, and ultimately what makes your little corner of the Internet so inherently “you”!
So next time you get down on yourself, or wish that you’d done more – just remember this little quote from Jon Acuff & know you’re not alone. We’re all beginners {well, most of us anyways}, so try not to compare yourself too harshly, okay? Plus, if it’s not the beginning, it means that it’s closer to being over – and no one wants that, right?! 
Hope you all have a fabulous Friday! Here are a few links I’ve been loving this week in case you’re in need of some weekend reading over coffee πŸ˜‰
– Jimmy Fallon + Kevin Spacey + A barbershop quartet? You have to see it {here} to believe it, friends.
Jessie’s one of my all-time favorite blogs and inspiring ladies. See her interview with Smart Creative Women as she dishes about finding your confidence to becoming a professional blogger. It’s worth listening to all 50 minutes, promise! 
– The sweet Sara of Project Soiree asked me what I’m reading now, and I was embarrassed to admit that I’m still reading a book I started 3 months ago – eeeek! Hear more about what I’ve been up to {and not been up to…clearly}
– I love Cait’s regular roundup of Etsy shops you should know! I need that lovely heart mug in my life ASAP!
– Alyssa’s post on what to do when don’t want new friends was a super interesting read! Have you faced this conundrum yet?
– If you’re in Chicago next week, check out Megan & Emily’s fabulous Madewell event {get the deets here}. 
– On May 22nd, mark your calendars for a fun Kate Spade event hosted by Maria, Cait & me! I’ll be sharing more fun details next week! 

14 thoughts on “don’t compare

  1. AshleaD

    That is totally a great quote – I have been struggling for blogging inspiration these days and that it definitely puts some things in perspective! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Jessica

    I can't believe you've been blogging less than two years, you're such a pro! I'm heading over to read Alyssa's post πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend miss Maya!

  3. Alyssa

    Thanks for including my post, lovely! And congrats on 300 posts! I'm so happy we've become friends and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished…your success is well deserved! Now, go buy yourself a margarita this weekend!

  4. Rachel Lynne

    I always have to remember this too! I have been really down on myself about blogging lately… I took some time off, even though I was still posting, but I was interacting with or engaged with the community. I feel like so much has changed since I "left" and well I feel like I'm completely playing catch up! Anyway, congrats on 300 posts! I love your blog and you are obviously doing amazing things! πŸ™‚ Keep it up girl!

  5. hillary d.

    I've just recently started my blog, but I've been following along in the blogging community for years and I have been feeling this exact same way! Thanks so much for helping me to feel that I'm not alone in my "blogger envy" and Rewards Style invite wannabee! This really helps put things in perspective! I across your blog just yesterday through the Midwest Bloggers and I'm already loving it! Can't wait to catch up on some of your other blogs! Have a great day! πŸ™‚


  6. Jessie Artigue

    SO so proud of you and excited to be a small part of the journey! πŸ™‚ (AND SUPER love that you quoted Jon Acuff here… One of my fave authors!)

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