ciao, april.

Guess whaaaaaaat? IT’S GONNA BE MAAAAAY!
{has that song been stuck in your head all week too?!}
I get oddly excited about May, for only embarrassing reasons {obviously}. For one, May has the first 3 letters of my name and CINCO DE MAYO’s coming up! I mean, an excuse to drink too many margaritas and drown my sorrows in guac? Sign. Me. Up. 
But before I get too excited about May, let’s chat some April highlights. The best part of the month by far was meeting some incredible ladies at Go Blog Social. It was so much fun exploring Kansas City with the lovely Lauren, meeting a few of my favorites like Jessie, & taking on the town with some new besties. Chicago started to get beautiful out {and by beautiful, I mean we had a few kinda nice days}, and I flocked to freshly cut flowers like a bear to a honey tree. And to end the month right, last weekend I had the pleasure of joining Maritza’s beauty for bloggers workshop where I got to meet a few new Chicago ladies & get my hair all prettified. What’s not to love about that?
All in all, April was pretty rad, but I’m already ready for this month to kick off! Any fun things you’re especially looking forward to this month? Fill me in!

9 thoughts on “ciao, april.

  1. Jessica

    April was so awesome, it flew by. I hope May lives up to my expectations! I can't believe GBS was almost a month ago. I say a little reunion trip needs to be planned for the future 😉

  2. Jacy

    It looks like you had such a lovely month, and I loved how you laid out your photos! I'm so jealous you got to go to Go Blog Social, and I'm really hoping to go next year 🙂 With all the craziness of wedding planning and buying a house, I wasn't able to slip up there. I hope to meet you there next year!


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