What I’ve Learned From My Mother

I’m a total mama’s girl at heart. Maybe it’s the only only child in me, but my mother and I are basically best friends. When I get married, she’s going to be my maiden of honor. I call her almost everyday, sometimes twice. She’s the kindest, most compassionate, all around awesome woman I know {not to mention gorgeous for her age, which I’ve promised to never to disclose!} 
So here are some of the best things I’ve learned from my smarty pants of a momma that I am forever grateful for – 
1. Don’t spend so much time worrying – everything is going to be alright. 
I’m a bit of a worrywart. Sometimes it’s served me well {I’m the queen of over preparation for instance}, but sometimes it gives me anxiety – like the sleepless nights, panic attack, biting my nails sort of worry. My mom does a good job talking me down from a ledge when I get there, helping me focus on living in the moment, and reminding me to breathe – because it’s all going to be alright in the end {and it has, for the last 24 years, so she’s got a good track record}. 
2. You’re smarter and better than you think. 
My mom is my number one fan {which works out well, since I feel the same about her}, and she’s always telling me I’m smarter than I think. As women, it’s important to be confident in our intelligence, and she has continued to build me up and encourage me to believe in myself. Plus, she’s the perfect role model – she’s smart, witty…and never is afraid to show it. 
3. Be kind to everyone you meet.
My mom makes friends with everyone. She’s the kind of person who chats with the cashiers, bank tellers, etc. She even shows kindness when her 7 year old students wipe their boogers on her or show her their loose tooth {oh the joys of being an elementary school teacher}. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, and that’s something I love so much about her. Her kindness has taught me so much, and I’ve found myself to try to always be kind to everyone I meet too. 
4. You can never have too much of the following:
• shoes {DSW is our other home}
• underwear
• patience
• margaritas on a Friday night {well, you can maybe have too many…}
•yoga classes
•time with your family
•thank you letters {the snail mail versions} 
Happy Mother’s Day sweet mama! Thanks for being the greatest best friend a daughter could ask for! xx


14 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned From My Mother

  1. Whitney

    This is so sweet Maya, almost nauseating. (you know how touchy feely my mom and I are) I hope your mom a great Mother's Day!

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