Hair Growth Progress Report

A few weeks ago, I shared a little more about my struggle with hair loss, and how I’ve been dealing with stress induced alopecia the past few years. It definitely wasn’t easy to write about, but I was so floored by the kind messages and emails of others who have had similar experiences too, which really made me realize how common hair loss can be for women (even though it’s difficult for most of us to talk about!). To everyone who shared their story with me, thank you thank you for being so open and kind. You make having my little corner of the internet so worth it to connect with so many amazing and encouraging people.

To get things back on track, I’ve been spending the last few weeks putting my health and happiness first as much as I can, and taking steps to try to get my hair loss a little more under control. My trigger is being stressed out for a prolonged period of time, so I’ve been trying to give myself a little more grace with not taking on a million things at once. I’ve been trying to slow down, be present, make it to a few more yoga classes than usual, eat better and spend times with the people who make me happy. I won’t say I’m 100% back to normal, but on the days where I really try to be kinder to myself, I have seen an improvement in stress-levels – which is one of the most important ways for me to help combat my hair loss.

Besides attempting to be more Zen, I’ve been upping the supplements and products that have helped me with my hair loss in the past. From taking biotin supplements to taking collagen in my coffee and water every day, I’m hoping that getting my body into a normal (and hey, at least my skin is looking extra glowy these days!).

I’ve also been trying out Keranique, which is an FDA approved hair regrowth treatment system that helps stimulate hair growth. It’s been clinically proven and I’ve been using the full system for almost a full month now and have started to see a difference in my hair. Like any product, it takes a few weeks to see a difference, but my hair has been falling out less over the past week and is starting to look healthier too. There’s four products in the system: Scalp Stimulating Shampoo, Volumizing Conditioner, Regrowth Treatment, and their Lift and Repair Spray. The salon quality shampoo and conditioner smell amazing and give me some much needed volume while reinvigorating my scalp. And the Regrowth Treatment sprays help my hair grow back while the Lift and Repair spray helps protecting against heat damage due to my styling tools such as my hair curler or blow dryer.

I definitely wouldn’t put my seal of approval on any products that I don’t think are making a difference – so if you’re experiencing hair loss, I’ve definitely seen some good results so far. And because it’s not a one and done fix, I’ll keep you guys posted in the next few months on how my hair loss is going, because it’s something that definitely takes time to get under control and see good results. I wish it was an immediate fix myself too 😉

Have any questions about hair loss, or have any tips yourself? I’m all ears! Feel free to shoot me a message, or leave your tips in the comments below! xxThanks to Keranique for sponsoring this post! As always, all opinions are my own. If you have any questions our Keranique, I’m happy to answer them!
