The Best Boots For Winter

LL-Bean-Boots-21While I wish winter was officially over, the hard truth is that it’s far from it {and if you live in the Midwest, you know we have a solid 3 more months of torture just around the corner}. A little morbid? Maybe….but hey, it’s better to be honest!

The one plus side about this time of year is that even though it’s freeeeezing, all your favorite winter goodies are just starting to go on sale! I resisted the urge to buy too many boots towards the beginning of winter last year, and now I’m making up for lost time with a few, far too many pairs of boots and booties.

I don’t know what happened – but I went on a serious boots binge between my jobs a few weeks back and brought home 2 killer over the knee boots, one pair of slip on booties, and a new pair of Bean boots that are about to make it in my mailbox in t-minus 3 months {Crazy? yes. Worth it? Obviously.} Because I clearly have an itch I need to scratch in the winter boots department, here are a few of the pairs I’m currently lusting over. Please take my credit card away!The-ultimate-winter-boot-guideShop the boots: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9

Please tell me I’m not the only one with a serious boot splurging problem? I could use the opposite of an accountability buddy right now 😉


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