i love you, but i think i need some space.

{Dear Coffee, 
I love you, but I think we need some space. 
Love, Maya}
I love me some coffee. Over the last few years, I’ve been known to have a cup {or two} of coffee everyday. I know the Batista’s at my local Starbucks by name, I rack up enough stars for a free coffee on almost a weekly basis, and I dream in Grande Non-Fat Caramel Macchiatos. Clearly, something had to give eventually…and unfortunately the caffeine headaches started to kick in a few weeks back. Everyday around 2pm my head would start to spin, then ache, and then I would feel terrible for the next few hours, which is never good in the middle of the work day.

To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure if it was the coffee or being a little stressed out, but after giving up coffee I have noticed that I’ve felt better.  Instead of drinking my morning cup of coffee, I’ve been enjoying a smoothie in the morning, or black iced tea if I need a little more pep in my step. In the afternoon, I try and drink more tea {and occasionally indulge in Starbucks which is downstairs from our office} and lots and lots of water. To be perfectly transparent, I’ve been allowing myself a cup of coffee on Saturdays – we all need something to look forward to, right?

Have you ever given up coffee or caffeine? What do drink throughout the day to keep yourself energized? Any tips would be much appreciated as I go through my third week {almost} coffee free!


19 thoughts on “i love you, but i think i need some space.

  1. Rachel

    I'm actually not a coffee drinker, so I've never had to deal with this. And I think that's part of why I don't drink it that often- I'm worried I'd become addicted! haha as far as feeling energized, I just get enough sleep and try to take care of myself and it works well πŸ™‚ good luck girl!

  2. Lauren Nolan

    I've tried to not have coffee, but I get really bad headaches! And I'm not even a huge coffee addict! I have my one cup of coffee every morning and that's usually it. I don't stop at coffee shops/starbucks very often either- but if I don't have that one cup in the morning.. it's a brutal day. Wah wahhhh!

  3. Lauren

    I've actually never been a coffee person. I'll occasionally indulge in a hazelnut iced coffee a couple times a year, but other than that I'm a dedicated tea drinker! For some reason the caffeine in coffee gives me the jitters, and I've never been able to drink it in the mornings!

    Fizz and Frosting

  4. Christopher R. Skinner

    I don't drink coffee. Like Rachel, I would worry that I would drink it a lot. The smell gives me a headache, too, so I worry about how that would go. It would be good though because my Starbucks drink is a Peppermint Hot Chocolate, which is horrible for calorie balancing, sugar, etc. Coffee would help with that. I drink a lot of tea, though, and now a lot of water. I just can't kick that damn hot chocolate…

  5. Alissa

    Right now I am on cleanse that requires I not drink any caffeine at all for 8 days. To be honest I drank at least 3 cans of Vanilla Coke Zero, every single day before. I have done months without any caffeine so it's not horrific but I have noticed that while on this cleanse I don't miss coffee or pop at all. I am rather tired of 70 ounces of water but I actually like the break from soda!

  6. Alyssa

    I tend to steer clear of coffee, especially on work days–it always upsets my stomach! I stick to OJ or tea…someone also once told me that drinking ice water the instant you wake up is as good as coffee, but I'm not sure how true that is πŸ™‚

  7. Kristen

    You go girl! I have a serious Chai Tea Latte Starbucks addiction. I just went a week and half without one and I'm feeling good as well! We'll see how long this lasts…

  8. Elle

    Life without coffee is much better for me! I've found starting the day with a glass of water + lemon followed by a green juice makes me feel so much better and energized than coffee ever did! I think I also used to go to starbucks a lot just to get out of the office so my bank account is thankful I quit too πŸ™‚

  9. Cara-Mia

    I had to suddenly quit coffee in high school and had a foggy headache for like two weeks. I wish I had never started it back up, but I'm completely addicted. However, after a recent diagnosis, I have to significantly cut back and I'm scared! Best of luck to you!

  10. Alison Dulaney

    I would love to give up coffee, but it is my one indulgence that I just cannot! I usually drink decaf but there is something great about drinking a pretty latte from time to time. I admire you for doing so!

  11. Jen

    Pat loves coffee but over the last couple years of working in the engineering world he's noticed his increase reliance on it to get through the day. He's experienced the same symptoms as you with headaches coming on mid afternoon and has since given up coffee for good. He's gone a few months without coffee in the past but once his work load increases, he feels like he has no choice other than to go back to drinking coffee when he works overtime. He realizes that it's directly related to stress at work so this time he hasn't given in when things get crazy. I'm so happy that you're going off coffee, I know you'll feel much better in the long run!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

  12. The Sweetest Thing

    Oddly… I don't 'need' coffee for energy. For me personally, it's pure habit. During the summer I am not a drinker – but when it's cold out, I can't function without it. It's like a safety thing! BUT, I do require caffeine (diet coke or sweet tea) once I've had coffee! I can't believe you are parting ways! That's a commitment!

  13. Lindsey Louise Bales

    i have tried to give up coffee before, it's so hard for me! i have such a love for it. i always brew my own at home in the morning, but i am picky on the beans. i would love to give up coffee in trade for tea for awhile, best of luck to you!

    lindsey louise


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