How to Stay Organized when Life Feels Overwhelming

This post is sponsored by on behalf of the Paper + Packaging Board – How Life Unfolds®. Oh my, how is it Friday already?! The week has flown by and I can’t believe that May is right around the corner (cue the Justin Timberlake “It’s Gonna be May” meme!)

Tom and I are spending a long weekend in Door County, Wisconsin to take some time to unplug, relax, hike and eat waaaaay too much delicious food and cocktails. It’s been nice to get out of Chicago a little bit the past few weekends, so spending a few extra days secluded is just what I needed to totally unplug and get ready for a busy few weeks ahead of us.

Speaking of unplugging, I’ve been trying to find ways to be more productive (which is especially important with an ever-growing to-do list!) without staring at so many screens throughout the day as I usually do. I feel like most days I go from one screen (my phone) to another screen (my work computer) to yet another screen (my TV!) before going to bed, which is a pretty vicious cycle, especially when it becomes the norm. Instead of scrolling through Instagram or spending too much quality time with my computer, I’ve been trying to find more ways to unplug by switching some of my daily tasks to going screen-less, like trading in reading books on my eReaders for the real deal, writing my to-dos on paper, and writing real thank you notes the old fashioned way. While I’ve only been switching it up for a few weeks, I honestly feel so much more productive, organized and generally better after spending less time scrolling through Instagram. Who knew such simple changes every day could make such a big impact! Here’s a few benefits of switching to analog ways of working, and how it’s made a difference for me in just a few weeks! 

Writing to-do’s (and staying organized!): I’ve been using a planner I received in my Paper + Packing board BabbleBox and it’s made get my daily tasks easier while staying more organized. I have the terrible habit of writing things down on scraps of paper or putting events in my phone – and I never feel like I have one single source of truth for every event, to-do, errand, etc. that I have going on in my life. Plus, there’s something super satisfying about writing things down by hand and then crossing things off the to-do list – and I love that my planner includes daily goals, an area of focus, a mantra to guide you though the day, and an hour by hour list of things to do so I can make sure I’m maximizing my time throughout the day.   I’ve only been using it for a few weeks, but I already feel so much more organized – thank goodness!

Writing thank you cards the old fashioned way: One of my New Years resolutions back in January was to write more “thank you” and “just because” letters to friends and family around the country. While I have so many amazing friends in Chicago, over the years most of my close friends from growing up in the Midwest have moved to all corners of the country (L.A., NYC, Toronto, Canada, etc.) so I’ve been trying to be more diligent about keeping in touch. Rather than sending a text or an email that feels like just another thing for someone to have to respond to, I’ve been trying to send more snail mail to brighten my friends day. Plus, it gives me yet another excuse to get away from my computer or phone to give my brain a mental break!

Reading real books vs. eBooks: I get it, eBooks are convenient and fit all on a single device, but after a long day looking at screens I’ve been embracing reading real, paper books. There’s something tactilely satisfying about holding a book in your hands, and you feel way more accomplished seeing how many pages you’ve turned when unplugging for a few hours. I signed up for Paper & Packaging’s 15 pages a day pledge of reading 15 pages in a book every day to help boost memory and help with mental development – for both kids and adults. I usually only have time to read before I go to bed (and I’m lucky if I get 15 pages in before dozing off!), but I’m looking forward to making up for lost time while on vacation this weekend.

Alright, back to unplugging for me! I hope you’re able to find some time this weekend to detach from tech, find a good book to read and enjoy some quality time with friends and family. I’m going to do my best to stay off my computer and devices, but I’ll try to share at least a few highlights over on Instagram stories – feel free to follow along if you need a virtual getaway too! xx




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