Hello from NYC! I landed late last night for another work trip (this time a shoot for a video we’re launching in a few weeks!) and I’m spending the rest of the week prepping and working remotely.
It’s always funny to me watching bloggers go to NYC and do all these glamorous shoots and go on adventures, and I’m usually locked in an agency for 12 hours a day trying to dig my way out of my inbox or managing a shoot in a windowless room. One day I’ll actually have to stay for a long weekend and play tourist in the city, but until then I’ll be Instagramming craft services or the city view out the window of the agency 😉
But anyways, I’m trying to get back into the swing of blogging after a few weeks of feeling totally behind and a little overwhelmed with life. Not to mention, I haven’t been feeling super inspired lately, which has been making me like totally poo and then completely guilty for not blogging. Like everyone, my inspiration/creativity comes and goes, and sometimes I just have to wait for it to come back – or eventually force myself to sit down and crank out a few posts regardless. I wouldn’t say I’m totally back to being creatively inspired, but I am starting to feel slightly less like I’m stuck in a dark hole of doom. Can anyone else relate? Hopefully the dark hole of doom is going to go away now that it’s starting to actually feel like spring outside!
 Anyway, after that long ass preamble – this post is about my live of silky cheetah skirts – the one item I’ve really splurged on (and loved) this spring. As Jenna Lyon’s famously said, “Leopard is a neutral” – and so I’ve been taking her advice and have treated this leopard skirt like a neutral piece in my closet. Whether paired with a black sweater, tank top, tied off t-shirt, this skirt has become a piece I wear often – and so I rounded up a few similar ones I’ve been loving this season since I now firmly believe everyone needs one in their closets!
Here’s a few of my favorites – with most of them under $100:Â
I’m trying to resist the urge to buy another leopard skirt – but we’ll see if I buckle before the end of the summer. I love the 3 Dots one, and it’s a total steal too!
Any pieces you’ve added to your spring wardrobe that you’ve been loving? I’m trying to build out my warmer weather wardrobe (I love fall and winter clothes, but for some reason totally lack cute spring/summer clothes), so would love any fashion advice you have to share! xx