Anthropologie White Lace Top {similar here and here, with more options at the bottom of the post!} // Flare Jeans // Leather heels {similar} // Louis Vuitton Speedy {from eBay!} // Tortoise Earrings {similar}
Welcome to Monday, amigos. I hope you’re bracing yourself for the week ahead with a whole lot of coffee in hand. Looking at my calendar this week, I’m going to need a lot of coffee myself 😉
Last week as a busy one, but a highlight was having my sweet friend Emily from Isn’t That Charming in town from Detroit for a night for Em + Maya’s Sleepover-palooza 2018 (I just made that name up, but it was epic enough to deserve that coveted title!). Emily has been a good friend for years, ever since I moved to Chicago, and I was so sad (but happy for her!) when she moved to Detroit a few months ago to be closer to her family. She’s one of those amazingly kind, hilarious, spunky, inspiring people you just want to spend all your time with all day every day. I laughed until I cried too many times to count during Sleepover-palooza 2018, and we did a truly lovely job embarrassing ourselves on Instagram stories because that’s just the kind of goofs we are.
And even though she lives far away now, she’s one of those people who you know will always be in your life – and whether you talk every day or once every few months, she’s always going to be in your court and down for an adventure. It’s rare to have a friend like that in your life, and I’m super lucky that I called dibbles on her (or tricked her into being my friend many years ago – ha!) If you don’t follow her amazing blog, be sure to to check it out! She has so many adorable stories about being a mom, and I go to her blog for writing inspiration whenever I’m feeling stuck because she’s such a poignant, thoughtful writer. Plus she definitely keeps it real, which we can all appreciate in a world where everyone’s trying their hardest to make it seem like everything’s perfect. Because we all know it’s not! 😉
So in other, slightly more fashion related news – we had a lovely few days this weekend where it started to finally feel like fall! And don’t get me wrong – I am definitely not ready or advocating for fall (mostly because I don’t want to see one more damn Instagram that reads, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” every October 1st), but it felt kinda nice to put on long sleeve shirts and jeans again. And because it felt a little more fall-like around here, I definitely indulged in some fall shopping to pick up a few goodies to refresh my wardrobe. In my defense, there was a sale at Anthropologie, which yes, I realize is a very weak defense….
As for this outfit, all these pieces are old classics that I wear over and over again. I bought this Anthropologie white lace top back in the spring, and every time the weather cools down a bit, I get excited to bust it back out. It’s one of those classic pieces you can wear with jeans to work, and it’s the perfect feminine touch to look a little more dressed up without having to try that hard (which is always a win, because I don’t usually like trying that hard ;)). These flares are from Henry and Belle from years ago, and I still pull them out of my closet every time it’s fall, they’re super stretchy, comfy, and no matter how much wine I had the night before, they miraculously still fit. Magic pants are real!
Alright, that’s probably enough rambling for a Monday morning, so I’ll leave you with this last photo of my new friend (name unknown) that I met while shooting with Hannah at Heritage. That little grumpy face and his little tongue sticking out kills me…I really need a dog so I can be obsessed with my own pet and not the pets of strangers, whoops! I couldn’t help it, he’s too cute not to snap a picture with.
Shop similar tops to my Anthropologie white lace top below!
MAYA!!!! TEARS!!! This was SO SWEET. Thank you for these words, for being such a wonderful friend, and just the best person. Sleepover-Palooza Round II is definitely needed! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!