Lessons from 28 Years

Maya11And just like that, another year has come and gone. I feel like it took me a solid 6 months to start responding, “I’m 27!” when people would ask me how old I am, and I’m sure it will take me another few months to more truthfully respond that I’m 28. Baby steps, right?!

27 was a pretty magical, crazy, pinch me year – full of 3 different jobs {aye!}, travels around the world, making new friends, and meeting a few new people who totally changed my world for the better. I also feel like it was a pivotal year for getting to know myself – and becoming more comfortable with who I am and who I’m going to be. I said “no” to more things that didn’t make me happy, I changed things in my life to make myself happier, I focused on slowing down rather than overwhelming myself as much as I had in the past – and all that growth made for a better, happier and healthier year. Here’s to hoping 28 is just as {if not more!} wonderful than 27!Cindys (14 of 31)As we turn a page for another year, I always like to reflect on the little things I learned along the way. Here’s a few of the mantras and life lessons that have helped me life a better, happier life.

1. Work Hard & Be Nice To People: Because hard work and kindness will get you through the best and hardest of times. I have a giant poster at work to remind myself of these 7 little words every day, and it always helps me remember to stay kind, even on the most frustrating days.

2. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help: I’ve come to realize that you can’t do it all, and that’s okay! So when you realize you’re getting overwhelmed or things aren’t worth your time – get someone to help you. Like if you hate cleaning your shower, maybe a cleaning person is a good idea {and yeah, I hate cleaning my shower…it’s kinda the worst}.

3. It’s never too early to start using eye-cream: Just do it, seriously. You’re face will thank you in a few years 😉

4. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of others: It took me awhile to realize that taking care of myself first is the secret to taking better care of my friends, family, co-workers, etc. If you burn the candle on both ends, you’re going to end up having a meltdown trying to take care of yourself and everyone else. Give yourself a break, show yourself some grace, and love yourself so you can be a little kinder and open to other people too!

5. Self care is magic: Sure, you can talk yourself out of a $5 bath bomb or face mask, but sometimes you just need a little TLC! If it’s making dinner on a Sunday night or indulging in a Sunday self care routine – DO IT! It’s worth setting aside a little time to treat ‘yo self.

6. Quality over quantity: This has become even more of a mantra in the past few months, and I’ve been working on always choosing quality over quantity – from purchases, to working on spending more quality time with loved ones {with my phone away!}, constantly reminding myself has made me a better friend and girlfriend, while also making my bank account a little happier 😉 Cindys (25 of 31)7. Go for the French Toast, and the Cupcake, and the Caramel Latte: Sometimes you need to indulge, especially on your birthday – or the weekend, or a Tuesday night too! Treating yourself every once in awhile makes life so much sweeter, so indulge every now and then – you deserve it after all!

8. The Universe Is Generous: This is probably pretty hippie dippy of me, but I believe that if you put good things out to the universe (be it kindness, good vibes, whatever you want to call it} good things come back. I’m working on letting go and trusting the universe a little bit more, while also finding a balance of changing the things I can to make myself happier too.

9. Give Your Time: One of the biggest lessons of the 27th year was realizing how much of a gift it is to give the gift of your time. I started volunteering at Refugee One a few months ago, and it’s given me so much perspective and gratitude {see why here!}, which is why I’m hoping to give even more time this year.

10. Be kind to yourself: Sometimes it’s hardest to be kind to yourself, so I’ve been trying to be a little more patient and understanding of myself in the past year. I make mistakes, some days I can’t get my shit together to make dinner, and sometimes I change into my yoga clothes only to never make it to the studio, and while I could spend my energy being disappointed in myself, being a little kinder tends to be more productive. Maya15So cheers to being 28! Here’s to more learning, growing and continuing to be a little kinder to myself too. Hopefully this year is the best one yet! xx


5 thoughts on “Lessons from 28 Years

  1. Karly @ Miss in the Midwest

    Happy, happy birthday sweet girl! I’m only a couple weeks behind you with turning 28 (my bday is the 27th), so I love all this wisdom that you’ve rounded up from this past year. So glad that you’re in a good place, and with everything that you’ve learned I’m sure that 28 will be your best year yet! Cheers!

  2. Justine Gershak

    Okay first off, HAPPY BELATED! Second of all, this one hit home for me. I’m turning 28 in 17 days, and I feel the same way about 27 – it was a great year, but definitely a learning year too! I couldn’t agree more on literally every life lesson you mentioned. Cheers to #ThisIs28

    xo – Justine

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