Comfy Summer Dresses

Summer dress season is HERE, and I am personally very exciting {and let’s be real, my boyfriend isn’t complaining either…}

I love that you can get away with wearing comfy dresses all summer long, and I’ve been doing some major work on expanding my repertoire of cute and affordable jersey dresses.  I actually picked up a ton of dresses at Meijer a few weeks back, and they had so many cute and super affordable options, including this knotted striped number above! I’m in love….Because you should feel the love too when it comes to summer dresses, I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite affordable options below! I’m pretty partial when it comes to stripes, so my picks might be heavily skewed in that direction…

The Best Striped Dresses: 

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Comfy Summer Dresses: 

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This week has been a little crazy so far, fitting as much work in as I can in a short 3 day weekend! Tomorrow I’m headed to KC for a wedding, so I’ve been attempting to catch up on life before a big celebration with one of my dearest Chicago friends. Hope you’re all surviving the shorter week too! xx


7 thoughts on “Comfy Summer Dresses

  1. Britney Crawley

    This dress is SO cute on you! Love the knotted detail, and can’t believe you found it at Meijer. It’s tough to fit 5 days of work into 3, but I’m a little jealous of your extra short week. Have such a fun weekend!!

  2. Lauren Oliver

    Love this dress on you! It looks so adorable with those flats! And I totally agree – dress season is the absolute best… lets just hope it sticks around long enough in Chicago!


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