far better things ahead.

Happy 2015 friends! I can’t believe another year has flown by already – wasn’t the Y2K scare like 3 years ago? I swear I still write “2013” on my rent checks every month, so I’m sure getting used to this whole “2015” thing is going to be a challenge 😉
So, let’s have a moment of truth:  2014 was the hardest year yet. 
I pride myself in being a pretty positive, keep in the sunlight, silver linings kinda gal, but I’m also good at calling it like I see ’em – and last year was not my year. Don’t get my wrong, there were a bunch of great things that happened to me – I traveled to Vancouver, I made a home in Chicago, and made some friends who make life a heck of a lot more fun. But 2014 was filled with some pretty cruddy things too – family members who passed far too soon, the loss of my lifelong favorite animal companion, and the painful ending of a very long relationship. There were a few months where my life felt a little more like a telenovela than the life I was used to – which made blogging a bit of a struggle {ahem, did you notice?! I definitely hid for a good month or so towards the end of last year…}, and the days a little harder. I’m pretty sure there was a week where I cried at my desk at work every damn day  – which was really not cute but sometimes necessary. Luckily I have co-workers who believe in the healing powers of mid-day fro-yo and best friends who know the magic of a bottle wine {and now I too am a believer as well!}
So, why am I on a weird New Years rant taking you all on a feels-trip? Good question. Let me provide you with a multitude of answers. 
For one: I try {to the best of my ability} to keep things pretty real around here, and I did a pretty crap job of doing that towards the end of last year. I kinda hid away from the world and binge watched Netflix over leftover pizza – and it turns out that’s okay. I had pings of blogger guilt, but sometimes the best medicine is to decompress, and take a weird amount of yoga classes and drink lots of glasses of wine. I was not “charmingly styled” by any means – even when I half pretended to be – and that’s okay too. We all try to be super cool on the internet, and sometimes we’re really not {read: in my case, most of the time}. So, rather than pretending, I thought it was only fair to share what will forever be known as “the pizza and wine months” of my life too 😉 
For twos {?}: I didn’t die! I mean, I didn’t think I would actually die – but there was a part of me that was pretty convinced I would curl into a ball and hibernate for a few solid weeks a few times last year. Turns out, I surprised myself and became kinda kick-ass. Sure, there are some things that really suck – and going through them is cruel and unusual punishment – but you get through them. You still wake up in the morning, give yourself a little pep talk, and make it through your day mostly unscathed – and you feel much more badass for doing it. Basically, if you’re going through a shit time friends, things will get better – and you’ll be a much more awesome person because of it {promise promise.} 
For threes {now this is getting ridiculous}: It’s a new year – and I’m convinced 2015 is going to be the best year yet. I’m pretty sure I say that every year, but this year has good vibes written all over it. And best of all, 2014 is over – and I couldn’t be more relieved. AND I’m not going to talk about it anymore on this little blog of mine – because as C.S. Lewis said, “there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” I’ve been getting better at appreciating this whole present moment thing, so rather than obsessing over the past or freaking out about the future, I’m going to sit myself right here and take it all in. Care to join me?! Let’s do this 2015. 
Ya’ll are the best – really and truly. Cheers to the best year yet and lots of silver linings {always}. xx 

24 thoughts on “far better things ahead.

  1. Alissa

    You have totally made me cry. 2014 sucked absolutely balls. I hated it. I hated it so much. It was the worst. Did I mention I hate it? Well, the tears in my eyes echo that. I absolutely needed this post today. I love you so much!

  2. Lauren @ Lake Shore Lady

    I feel you SO. MUCH. Your year was a lot like my 2013 – but 2014 was WAY better, and now I'm convinced that 2015 is going to be the best ever! It sucks when things don't go your way, but you already know that wine helps, soo…. 🙂 Here's to kicking ass this year!! xoxoxo

  3. Jessica

    I had a year like this back in early college and at points, the heartbreak felt like more than I could take. Know that you have one more friend down in Kansas City if you ever need an escape 🙂 Onward and upward!

    26 and Not Counting

  4. Livia Boerger

    Keep your head up! I know this sounds so lame but everyone has those times in life but isn't the one good thing about it that you will just arise even stronger from those difficult times? You are one kick-ass woman, 2015 will be ours! Keep your head up, girlfriend!
    I am sending over lots of hugs!


  5. Allie

    (Not sure if my last comment published so I'm writing it again because I wanted to say something haha) Here are to more silver linings and joy-filled moments for you in 2015! I can't wait to follow along!


  6. Lindsay Humes

    When i was going through a really difficult time, someone told me its only to make one stronger, and that despite how difficult or miserable it is, only we can determine when it ends. Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you! I'm sure it will be great!

  7. Kellyinthecity

    I adore everything about this post. I'm so, so happy for you Maya–and so happy that we became friends in 2014. Though, I agree–I think 2015 is going to be a LOT better. 🙂 So proud of you. To many more bottles of wine! 🙂

    P.S. — I miss you. See you this week?!



  8. Jen

    This year was a total bust for you but thankfully it's over now – onto bigger and better things in 2015! I'm so glad we were able to meet in person and I constantly reminisce about your trip to Vancouver and our girls weekend in Seattle! Looking forward to many glasses of wine and plenty of shopping on my trip to Chicago this summer!


    1. Maya | Charmingly Styled Post author

      2014 was the pits, but I was so lucky to get to have you in my life (especially being with you during one of the hardest times!) 2015 is our year lady – can't wait to see you this year! xx

  9. Franziska

    oh man. I kind of had a feeling that was going on based on your posts, and I'm so sorry. It's never ever easy to have something so long-term end, but I know you are such a strong person that in the end, it will be okay. maybe not now or tomorrow, but some day. sending you lots of love and the power to make 2015 your best yet!

    1. Maya | Charmingly Styled Post author

      I had a feeling you would have a feeling! I honestly thought about you a bunch towards the end of last year, and I was like, "IF FRAN CAN GET THROUGH IT, I CAN GET THROUGH THIS YEAR!" Seriously, we need to catch up so you can give me all your life advice that I desperately need 🙂 xx

  10. Rachel

    I am so sorry about your relationship- it really bums me out. If you ever want to talk, I'm here. I've been through it myself! You are a great and inspiring lady, and it shines through your posts. So I feel that 2015 will be YOUR year! 🙂

  11. Hillary @ styleinasmalltown

    I'm so sorry to hear about the year that you had. I too ended a long term relationship right before the holidays and it did not make them very fun. All we can do is move on and lean on our friends and family for support! I'm so glad that I found your blog, I am always inspired by what you say (even when you can't be as positive as you might like to be). It makes you real and to me that's priceless! I was happy to have been able to meet you (2x) in 2014 and I hope to hang out again soon! Good thoughts and wishes for you this year girl, you deserve it! 🙂


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